Adventure by bike

Riding my bike from Banff Canada to Mexico is one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. I rode almost 3000 miles with 200,000 feet of climbing (that’s like summiting Mt Everest 7 times) totally self-supported in some of the country’s most rugged terrain sharing my nights with Grizzly’s and mountain lions and many of my days with storms. It was awesome. The things I saw and experienced were amazing and I will forever treasure those memories. 

You may not be ready for a month-long experience but there is nothing like a weekend getaway! Let us help you discover how bike packing can be a great way to spend a weekend with some friends enjoying the great outdoors. Central Texas has some awesome state parks that provide reachable destinations with some amenities for overnight stays. Ride to the park one day, camp out and ride home the next. This is a great way to learn what bike packing is all about in a safe and friendly environment. We also offer guided extended adventures as well.